Airsoftová poradna

- Ahoj poradno. Trápí mě velikost mé zbraně :( Pokaždé když hrajeme s klukama airsoft, tak kromě toho, že pozoruju nepřítele, tak se občas kouknu na kluky a všichni mají zbraně delší než já :( Docela mě to trápí... je to normální?
Milý Aki** myslím, že se nemusíš trápit. V airsoftu máme prostě každý jinou zbraň a věř mi - většinou na délce zbraně nezáleží. Spíš jde o to, jak s ní umíš zacházet ;)
- Ahoj poradno. Strašně se mi líbí jedna zbraň, ale nevím jak to mám mamce říct :( Vždycky, když už se to chystám mamce říct, tak mi do toho něco vleze nebo jsem tak nervózní, že ze mě nevypadne ani slovo - a co když mi ji mamka vůbec nekoupí? :(
Ahoj Tome - s tvojim problémem se potýkal asi každý airsofťák v tvém věku. My zkušení prostě jdeme za rodiči a řekneme si o nějakou tu ocelovou krásku, ale jestli s tím máš problém, zkus to rodičům nějak naznačit. Umísti si do pokoje její plakát, kup si plastovou miniaturu, kterou vystav na krbu, neustále choď za rodiči a říkej: “Koukejte! Honza včera dostal tuhle zbraň! není úžasná???“
- Ahoj, chtěl bych se zeptat, kde je vlastně ten hop-up? Kluci mi říkali, že ho mám na helmě, ale nějak ho tam pořád nemůžu najít :(
Milý Tondo. Hop up je měkká gumička, která je uvnitř zbraně a při tření o kuličku způsobuje daleko lepší požitek ze hry.
- Milá poradno, v poslední době se mi stává, že se mi v bitvě často přetaví pojistka :( Mám takový pocit, že to je mým zápalem a extází ve hře... pokaždé, když se mi to stane, tak zrudnu a utíkám na respawn - můžete mi poradit? :(((
Kubo klid, tvůj problém s pojistkou rozhodně nemá s tvým prožíváním ve hře nic společného! Jedná se o čistě mechanickou závadu - zkus promazat motor a popřípadě tvou zbraň odeslat do autorizovaného servisu ;)
- Zdravím - poslední dobou si všímám, že někteří airsofťáci při obzvlášť vypjatých situacích se dostávají do zvláštního stavu. Nevím jak to popsat, začnou se šíleně tvářit a všelijak křivit při střelbě své obličeje - potom se najednou zastaví, začnou se divně šklebit a zhluboka oddychují, až se zase uklidní.
Ahoj Jirko, ano tenhle stav se nazývá vzrušení z boje. Někteří airsofťáci ho dostávají v obzvlášť vypjatých situacích (obklíčení, střelba do nekryté skupiny nepřátel apod.) většinou trvá jen pár vteřin a poté následuje blažené uvolnění... pokud ho nemůžeš dosáhnout zkus se uvolnit... pomalu hlaď zbraň a začni pomalu přepínat pojistku tam a zpátky... až to bude lepší začni násilně mačkat spoušť, střídat SEMi - Dávky! Střílet to do těch hnusných sviní, hladit svou kovovou přítelkyni, mlať svou zbraní o zem!!! Kutálej se - měň svou pozici!!!! Krop je, střílej použij na ně nějaké drsné nadávky! a.......potom to určitě přijde ;)
- Ahoj poradno, mám dotaz - snažím se na fotkách vypadat drsně, ale pořád mi to nejde. Chtěl jsem se zeptat jiných sofťáků, ale nesebral jsem na to odvahu - můžete mi pomoct?
Milý Lukáši, nejdříve si udělej rozbor svých fotek a zkus najít chyby. Příčin může být spousty, mezi ty nejčastější patří např. prst na spoušti, nesladěná výstroj nebo její malá hmotnost...
Všechna jména v tomto článku jsou vybrána naprosto náhodně!
Přehled komentářů
The US administration and President Biden bear full responsibility for the continuation of Zionist war crimes in the Gaza Strip, after their absolute support for it, and the green light they once again granted following the visit of their Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, to the entity,†it said in a statement.
see why Israel can kill innocent children with American taxpayer money
1- see Why Israel is in deep trouble
2- Because the God of Money of our World is a Jew who supports and lives in Israel. For more details, click on the following link.
3- Because what USA president say about Israel
See how innocent children are killed by the most powerful Israeli using American bombs at
Al Jazeera Arabic Live
if you do not do something such as going on the street and telling your government which is controlled by the Jews to stop killing the Gaza people and stop the Israeli War and send food to the starving people of Gaza. If you can not do it then forward this message with the above two links to at least 4 of your friends and ask them to forward it to 4 of their friends so that the world will know that the new mass murderers are the Jews of the world . It is ironic that the Holocaust servicers (the Jews) are creating a new Holocaust against the Philistines in Gaza.
Call it what it is
if you do not do this also then you do not have a HART
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We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.
(BryanRhict, 26. 6. 2024 20:51)
Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're an experienced bettor or a newcomer to the world of betting, with us, you can enjoy unforgettable experiences and possibly change your life for the better.
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- Wide Selection of Matches: Enjoy betting on the most thrilling cricket matches and tournaments.
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Don't miss the opportunity to experience the real thrill and adrenaline rush of cricket betting! Even if you've never bet before, now is the time to try. It's simple, safe, and could become your new exciting hobby.
Special Offer for New Customers:
Register now and receive a bonus on your first deposit! Increase your chances of winning from the very beginning.
Contact us to learn more and place your first bet. This is your chance to experience new sensations and maybe hit the jackpot!
Best regards,
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.
(BryanRhict, 25. 6. 2024 18:29)
Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!
We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:
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What We Offer:
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Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!
Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram
Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!
(BryanRhict, 19. 6. 2024 9:53)
Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!
We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:
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- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.
What We Offer:
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Why Choose Us?
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- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
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Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!
Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.
(BryanRhict, 17. 6. 2024 23:59)
Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're an experienced bettor or a newcomer to the world of betting, with us, you can enjoy unforgettable experiences and possibly change your life for the better.
Why Choose Us?
- High Odds: We offer the most favorable odds that increase your chances of winning big.
- Wide Selection of Matches: Enjoy betting on the most thrilling cricket matches and tournaments.
- Safety and Reliability: Your safety and confidentiality are our priority. You can trust the fairness and transparency of all operations.
- Ease and Convenience: Betting with us is easy and convenient, even if you've never done it before. Our platform is intuitive and accessible from any device.
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Try Now!
Don't miss the opportunity to experience the real thrill and adrenaline rush of cricket betting! Even if you've never bet before, now is the time to try. It's simple, safe, and could become your new exciting hobby.
Special Offer for New Customers:
Register now and receive a bonus on your first deposit! Increase your chances of winning from the very beginning.
Contact us to learn more and place your first bet. This is your chance to experience new sensations and maybe hit the jackpot!
Best regards,
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.
(BryanRhict, 15. 6. 2024 4:13)
Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!
We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:
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- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.
What We Offer:
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Why Choose Us?
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- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.
Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!
Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram
Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!
(BryanRhict, 13. 6. 2024 18:01)
Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!
We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:
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- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.
What We Offer:
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Why Choose Us?
- Proven Quality: Our databases and keys undergo strict verification to ensure maximum effectiveness.
- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.
Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!
Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram
Boost Your Website Traffic and Rankings with Our Xrumer and GSA Databases!
(BryanRhict, 11. 6. 2024 13:02)
Do you want to experience the thrill and excitement of cricket betting with the chance to win big? Then we have an excellent offer just for you!
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates. Whether you're an experienced bettor or a newcomer to the world of betting, with us, you can enjoy unforgettable experiences and possibly change your life for the better.
Why Choose Us?
- High Odds: We offer the most favorable odds that increase your chances of winning big.
- Wide Selection of Matches: Enjoy betting on the most thrilling cricket matches and tournaments.
- Safety and Reliability: Your safety and confidentiality are our priority. You can trust the fairness and transparency of all operations.
- Ease and Convenience: Betting with us is easy and convenient, even if you've never done it before. Our platform is intuitive and accessible from any device.
- Exclusive Bonuses: Receive special offers and bonuses for new and existing customers.
Try Now!
Don't miss the opportunity to experience the real thrill and adrenaline rush of cricket betting! Even if you've never bet before, now is the time to try. It's simple, safe, and could become your new exciting hobby.
Special Offer for New Customers:
Register now and receive a bonus on your first deposit! Increase your chances of winning from the very beginning.
Contact us to learn more and place your first bet. This is your chance to experience new sensations and maybe hit the jackpot!
Best regards,
We offer the best odds on cricket betting in the United Arab Emirates.
(BryanRhict, 8. 6. 2024 18:58)
Do you have a website and want more people to visit it? Do you want it to rank high in search engines and bring in more customers? We have the perfect solution for you!
We offer unique databases and keys for use with Xrumer and GSA software, which will help you:
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- Save Time and Money: Instead of spending resources on complex and expensive marketing campaigns, you can use ready-made solutions that work.
What We Offer:
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Why Choose Us?
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- Ease of Use: You don't need to be an expert in SEO or link building. Our solutions are intuitive and easy to use.
- Support and Consultation: We are always ready to help and answer any questions so you can make the most of our products.
Don't miss the chance to take your website to the next level! Order Xrumer and GSA databases today and start attracting more customers.
Best regards, Drop Dead Studio!
Contact us now to learn more and take the first step towards success!
To contact us, write to telegram
If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
(BryanRhict, 6. 6. 2024 0:04)
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To contact us, write to telegram
If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
(BryanRhict, 5. 6. 2024 23:00)
Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
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To contact us, write to telegram
If YOU saw it, your CLIENTS will see it too!
(BryanRhict, 4. 6. 2024 6:27)
Want to improve your SEO rankings and save time? Our premium databases for XRumer and GSA Search Engine Ranker are just what you need!
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(BryanRhict, 11. 5. 2024 14:55)
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ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer and GSA SER + activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker!
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ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer and GSA SER + activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker!
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ONLY TODAY! 50% discount on databases for XRumer and GSA SER + activation keys for GSA Search Engine Ranker!
(BryanRhict, 24. 4. 2024 15:29)
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
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(BryanRhict, 24. 4. 2024 13:01)
Bases for XRumer & GSA Search Engine Ranker as well as GSA Search Engine Ranker activation keys with a 50% discount!
To contact us, write to telegram
Why Americans become the killers of innocent children.
(Normandraf, 25. 12. 2024 5:44)